Check out the recent Redfin article we were featured in: Have you ever dreamed of stepping outside in the morning, collecting fresh
Off the Grid: Exploring the Lifestyle
Living off the grid is gaining popularity as people seek a way to live independently amid rising costs and uncertain futures. Read
Off the Grid and Into Learning: Navigating Homeschooling
Welcome to the unique and inspiring world of off-grid homeschooling. For families like ours, homeschooling isn’t just an educational choice; it’s a
Alternative Energy Solutions For Alaskan Off Grid Homesteads
Harnessing solar power in the Land of the Midnight Sun Despite the common misconception that Alaska suffers from an eternal winter, when
Goals For 2024
For the first time since I started writing this blog, I think we completed all of our goals from the last year!
Off-Grid ASMR
ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response. It’s the tingly, goosebump feelings you get when listening to really good music. And lots
Traveling The ALCAN – Again!
Can you believe it? Kyle has driven the ALCAN for the third time now! I blogged about his previous adventures on the
How We Get Water Off Grid – 2023
If you’ve been around for a minute you will recognize the subject, and that’s because without water there is no life! From
Abundance For The Table – Foraging
Alaska is known as the land abundance for a reason. Even though we live on the edge of USDA zones 3/4, I
The Summer Of Never Ending Rain
The old adage in Alaska is that summer is for building, and we have a lot of things that need built! We
Abundance For The Table – Animals
Alaska is known for its abundance of wildlife and diverse hunting and fishing opportunities. The rugged terrain, pristine forests, vast wetlands and
A Little Birdy Told Me…
A little birdy told me that I have to keep so much of what we have been working on here recently a
Spring Is Here!
I am so excited because spring is here! I can see snow mold everywhere that the snow has melted, there are huge
2023 Goals For The Homestead
Here is the second of the guaranteed yearly blog posts, where I compare what we accomplished of last years goals with our
Design and Layout Changes for the Cabin
While living in an unfinished dry cabin might seem like a strange and impractical idea, living this way over winter was probably
The Best 2022 Videos
Hello all! I’m definitely a bit late in this post. Usually I write this in December, but I was a bit side
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