We Did Want Adventure…

And boy did we get our adventure!

Yesterday, we decided we needed to take the truck on the beach in order to get building materials to our property. We didn’t even make it to the beach before we noticed a clicking coming from our rear driver’s side tire. After looking at it a bit and calling our dad’s, we took some weight off to see if that would help. It continued to click, so my dad suggested looking for a rock in the hubcap.

Lo-and-behold, when we took off the hub cap we realized that tire was loose too! Unfortunately, we’d taken the tire iron (Amazon) to camp to work on the 4 wheeler and forgotten to bring it back to the truck. Luckily, some people had come to the park and gave Kyle a ride back to their house to borrow theirs, and we tightened all the tires. Yup, the front was loose as well! After saying goodbye to them, we ran into another gentleman who owns a cabin in the area and he lent us his for the trip down the beach in case we needed to change a tire out there.

And then we were finally off!


Aaaaand…. Continue reading “We Did Want Adventure…”