Signs Of Labor In Dogs

We had 8 beautiful, healthy husky puppies born here last week! I love having puppies around, but this will be our last litter for a while. Puppies take up a lot of space inside a tiny home. Luckily, some of them even have homes waiting for them already!

I’ve helped with whelping with quite a few dogs, so it was easy for me to figure out when Laska was in labor. While every dog is different, they will follow the same general signs while in labor. The average time for a dog’s pregnancy is 63 days, though they can be as short as 58 days or as long as 69. If a dog has been pregnant for longer than 69 days, veterinary intervention should be sought.

Don’t worry too much though! Nearly 98% of dog births go off without a hitch! However, brachycephalic breeds – dogs with broad skulls and flat faces like pugs or bull dogs, have a higher chance of problems delivering. In fact, breeders often schedule these types of dogs for c-sections rather than have them attempt labor. If you have a brachycephalic breed, make sure to closely monitor her pregnancy and make a birth plan with your veterinarian. Continue reading “Signs Of Labor In Dogs”