How To Prep For Driving The ALCAN

Kyle is finally back in Alaska, hooray!

How To Prep For Driving The ALCAN -

This is the second time in 12 months that Kyle has made the ALCAN (Alaska-Canada highway) drive, and we thought we’d put together a little checklist for anyone else who is planning the drive through Canada to reach Alaska. Last March Kyle drove entirely on the ALCAN, while this time he took a different route for a part of the trip along the Stewart-Cassiar highway. This shaved about 3 hours from his drive, though it was a bit more dangerous for driving. Just check out this rolled and abandoned semi he saw! I wonder if someone will come back for it in summer?

Our original plan was to have us all drive together in Spring, but since it’s still fully winter Kyle took Ronan and did the trip himself. We didn’t really want to make a million potty stops for pregnant me and the toddler. With just the dog, he was able to make the trip in about 4 days, with a total of 47 hours driving. That’s a bit longer than the actual ALCAN because it starts at Mile 0 in Dawson’s Creek, CA and ends in Delta Junction, AK. Since Kyle was coming from Washington, there was extra drive time and mileage involved. This was not a leisure trip, but a get from Point A to Point B trip, so there were a lot of long stretches of driving. Even with all the music he listened to, he was also able to get through 2 1/2 Harry Potter books (Amazon) on audio tape! Continue reading “How To Prep For Driving The ALCAN”