All The Nothing That Happened In 2018

All The Nothing That Happened In 2018 -

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All The Nothing That Happened In 2018 -

What to say about 2018, besides this year has kinda sucked.

We had to leave Alaska to handle some business in the lower 48, ended up moving several times (Alaska, Texas, Western Washington and Eastern Washington, then back to Texas. Whew!). We’ve worked several 9-5’s because city life ain’t cheap, dealt with hour long commutes, and lost 2 of our dogs 🙁

We didn’t get any of our goals done because of all the moves. This year feels as though we have been at a standstill with our real lives. Everything has been a waiting game.

Granted, not everything was bad.

We got our house sold! Now we’ve got the money to shop fishing permits so we can work where we live in AK. We also spent quality time visiting family and friends that we haven’t seen since we moved. We tried some new things, ate some new food (alligator anyone?) and really tried to enjoy ourselves. Even through all the homesickness. We also found the cutest little husky puppy to add to our family. Our daughter is fully convinced Kolache (Ko-lah-chee) is her puppy:


Now on to great news:

I’m happy to announce that we will be back in Alaska for 2019! Kyle has tickets to WA in January, then he’ll drive the ALCAN back to AK. I’ll be following with our daughter soon after. We have tons of plans, including completing our 2018 goals this coming year. We’ve drawn out plans for the forever cabin as well. Hopefully we’ll get to break ground on that project in 2019! We are so excited to be coming home to continue our adventures!

Bonus update:

We also found out that I’m pregnant! Baby #2 should be here sometime in early May. We are so excited to bring a second child into our little off grid world!  🙂

Hope y’all will continue to follow along, and thanks for reading!

High Tide Homestead participates in affiliate programs and may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on this post. See our Disclosure page for more information. 

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