Beach Etiquette:
7 Rules For Safely Driving On The Beach

If you’ve been reading the blog, or following along on other social media, you know our property can only be accessed by beach in the summer. What you may not know is that, just like the road, the beach has a set of rules for driving. I like to call this beach etiquette. Because the beach is such an interesting “driveway” I thought I’d explain its rules a little. Now some of these rules are unspoken things that we’ve just picked up as a courtesy, and some were explicitly explained to us. Although I’ve geared this specifically towards driving our beach, many of these rules apply to any off-road travel. I hope you enjoy this list! Continue reading “Beach Etiquette:
7 Rules For Safely Driving On The Beach”

How To Keep Mosquitoes From Biting Your Dog

Let’s talk about summer and Alaska’s mosquitoes.

Summer is the one season I don’t enjoy having an outhouse. You’d think it would be winter, but you can make a winter outhouse comfortable (blue board as a seat, for one). There’s no being comfortable in an outhouse swarming with mosquitoes and getting bit on a bare butt. This is also the season where our dogs spend the most time inside. Yes, they often sleep inside year round. But we have huskies, and they enjoy hanging out and playing in the snow. Sometimes they won’t come inside because the wood stove makes the cabin too hot for them! Continue reading “How To Keep Mosquitoes From Biting Your Dog”

A Greenhouse And A Garden

We’ve been keeping ourselves busy with this gorgeous sunny weather we’ve been having here. From cutting in the driveway to where the new cabin will go and picking our building spot, to building a greenhouse and prepping the garden space. We’ve even been having hotdogs and smores over the fire as we slowly burn our slash pile in our new fire pit! Continue reading “A Greenhouse And A Garden”

Living Off Grid During A Global Pandemic

I really tried to avoid writing this post. I feel a little annoyed at jumping on the ‘pandemic wagon, ” as it seems everyone is trying to cash in on our crazy new reality. But I have been asked so many times lately about how this has affected our lives. I thought I’d lay out all the changes here: Continue reading “Living Off Grid During A Global Pandemic”

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Diversifying Our Forest:
Planting 1,000+ Trees

One of our goals for 2019 and goals for 2020 has been planting more trees. Rather than just adding more Birch and Spruce I have been hard at work researching what kinds of trees we should plant, where we should plant them, and what they will provide for us. I have chosen each to help diversify our current property use and be part of a healthy ecosystem. Diversifying our forest will help it’s carbon capture abilities, as well as it’s ability to withstand disease and insects. Continue reading “Diversifying Our Forest:
Planting 1,000+ Trees”

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