Spring Homestead Giveaway

Welcome to the Spring Homestead Giveaway!

Beginning on 3/20/20 at 6 am and ending on 3/29/20 at 11:59 pm (Central Time Zone). The total retail value of the grand prize is $407.86! Good luck everyone!


Enter for a chance to win the grand prize package or one of our runner up prizes!

Here’s what you could win:

Total value of the Grand Prize for this giveaway is $407.86 for one winner…

6 Prizes with an approximate value of $10 each for our runner-up winners and

1 Prize with an approximate value of $13 for 1 runner-up winner!

Check out the links for more about each product, and for more about each of the giveaway sponsors!

Please Note: One winner will take the main prize package and 6 runner-up winners will receive a ‘mini-homesteader’ prize package!

Entry at the bottom of this page!

Free access to Our Inspired Roots Academy for 3 months from

Our Inspired Roots

Gardeners’ Hand Salve from

The Self Sufficient HomeAcre

(a surprise gift to 6 additional entrants!)

The Farm Girl’s Guide to Preserving the Harvest from

A Farm Girl In The Making

Handcrafted stirring spoon from

Unexplained Underfoot Objects


A signed copy of my book Where The Wild Things Grow

from us here at Sled Dog Slow


A harvest apron from

Rockin W Homestead


Women’s Fabric Gardener Touchscreen Gloves from

The Self Sufficient HomeAcre



A Cobra weeding tool from

The Reid Homestead


The Art of Making Herbal Tea for Pleasure & Health from

Healing Harvest Homestead


A Hori Hori knife from

Family Growing Pains




The Do It Yourself Homestead Book from

Little Frugal Homestead


The Beginner’s Guide to Raising Chickens from

The Self Sufficient HomeAcre


A Pulley Clothesline Kit from

The Not So Modern Housewife


Garden Starter Pack and Herb Starter Pack from

Mary’s Heirloom Seeds


Your choice of bamboo cutting board from

Seeds For Generations


Beginning Beekeeper’s Book and jar of Honey from

My Homestead Life

Sled Dog Slow
Goals For 2020

As always, we have big goals and bigger dreams for our lives in Alaska. Life off grid is not an easy feat and every year what we want and need seems to change. Looking at how far we come and how far we have yet to go can overwhelm at times, and writing these yearly goal lists help us keep everything manageable. And that remains true even when we don’t accomplish everything we wanted. That said, we have a couple hold over goals for 2020, just like we did last year. But first, a recap of how we did with goals from 2019.

goals for 2020

Continue reading “Sled Dog Slow
Goals For 2020″

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Where The Wild Things Grow

I know I’ve been slacking on the blog lately, but there have been some wild things going on around here. Firstly…

Kyle and I are in The New Pioneer Magazine talking about our tiny house!

Look at that handsome guy with a chick on his shoulder! If you want to read the whole article or pick yourself up a print copy (I know I will!) you can order it online here.

And… I’ve also been writing, illustrating, and self-publishing my first print book!

 I’m really excited to put this book out into the world. Writing a book is something I’ve been pondering doing for quite a while and Where The Wild Things Grow is the perfect way to dip my toe into the water of self-publishing. I wrote this book with real experiences I’ve had with my girls off grid and off-road, right down to Bellamy’s friend “Sluggy”.

I hope this tale encourages growth in all the other wild things out there.


There are a few other books I’m working on as well. Several still in the editing phase, and a few have moved on to illustrations even.  Keep an eye on our Books page for more of my work!

Order your copy of Where The Wild Things Grow here, and thanks for all your support!

The Key To Happiness Is Gratitude

I’ve been struggling to write this post for a while because this is not what we wanted for our summer. Don’t get me wrong, fishing is awesome, and we have been so happy to be back in Alaska. But, it’s hard not to complain when it comes to this summer. I’m trying to keep in mind that the key to happiness is gratitude, and some really great things have come from all the bad. We’re just in a little tougher of a spot than we had hoped to be.

The Key To Happiness Is Gratitude

Continue reading “The Key To Happiness Is Gratitude”