Hi I'm Katie! My husband Kyle, daughter Bellamy, and I are currently working on living our off grid dream on 5.5 acres of raw land in Alaska. Follow us on our journey of starting a homestead from scratch!
There’s just something about huskies when they see a porcupine. Every husky we’ve had out here has gotten quilled at least once. Ronan especially hates them. I’ve had to pull quills out of him twelve times! Since I’m now an unwilling expert at this, I thought I’d write out a few tips in case anyone else’s dogs won’t leave porcupines alone.
Living off grid with no road connection means becoming a jack of all trades. Often seen as a bad thing due to being misquoted as “A jack of all trades, master of none”, when it was originally meant to be a compliment. While we may not be experts at anything we do out here, we end up with a lot of broad knowledge and adaptability. This time that means knowing how to utilize Google, and having basic engine knowledge to fix a problem with fuel injectors.
If you read this post, then you know our boat got swamped, and the motor is giving us issues. Our plan was to clean our fuel injectors for our boat motor. But because we can’t just run to the store and grab a tool or item any time it’s needed, we end up MacGyvering to make things work.
So I suppose it’s about time I update this post about being new parents off grid. I know we’re almost 3 years into being parents with Bellamy, but I still feel totally new at everything! And now with her younger sister Inara, we get to experience all those fear and wonder inducing things a second time around.
All right y’all. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written anything here, but we have been all over the place out here. So all over in fact that I’ll be giving this a title after it’s written, but here are some of our updates:
I’ve got a lot of requests for blog posts about our day to day lives out here. I’d love to do these, but right now things are pretty boring. Because we spent 2018 in the lower 48 we don’t have animals, or a green house going like we’d hoped to this year. And since we returned home in winter, we have to wait until things thaw out to start any big projects.
What we’ve been doing with ourselves while we wait for spring has mostly been a lot of little projects, and a bunch of planning.
We’ve been discussing green houses, high tunnels, the new cabin, animals, and expanding our income streams. The direction we want to take the blog in has been a big topic as well. We’ve also been spending time visiting with friends we missed last year, and taking our daughter on play dates and to the community center. Throw in a bunch of doctor appointments for me, and maybe we’ve been busier than I thought! Most of it just hasn’t been specifically homestead/off grid related. That doesn’t leave much to write about, and I don’t want to clog up things with little anecdotes and snippets of our lives that aren’t relevant to the blog. After all, that’s what Facebook is for 😉
How to ride a snow machine with a toddler who falls asleep every. single. time.
One thing I realized I had to blog about is winter traveling for our trips to town.
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