50+ Ways To Use Wood Ash

Burning wood for heat means we end up with quite a bit of wood ash. I have a few go to’s for using it around the homestead but I recently decided to research what else I could use it for. Turns out wood ash is amazingly useful! So, whether it comes from a bonfire or a wood stove, save that ash and put it to use! Continue reading “50+ Ways To Use Wood Ash”

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Signs Of Labor In Dogs

We had 8 beautiful, healthy husky puppies born here last week! I love having puppies around, but this will be our last litter for a while. Puppies take up a lot of space inside a tiny home. Luckily, some of them even have homes waiting for them already!

I’ve helped with whelping with quite a few dogs, so it was easy for me to figure out when Laska was in labor. While every dog is different, they will follow the same general signs while in labor. The average time for a dog’s pregnancy is 63 days, though they can be as short as 58 days or as long as 69. If a dog has been pregnant for longer than 69 days, veterinary intervention should be sought.

Don’t worry too much though! Nearly 98% of dog births go off without a hitch! However, brachycephalic breeds – dogs with broad skulls and flat faces like pugs or bull dogs, have a higher chance of problems delivering. In fact, breeders often schedule these types of dogs for c-sections rather than have them attempt labor. If you have a brachycephalic breed, make sure to closely monitor her pregnancy and make a birth plan with your veterinarian. Continue reading “Signs Of Labor In Dogs”

Reevaluating Homestead Wants And Needs

Sometimes, in order to be happy, we need to take a step back and look at the big picture. Sometimes that leads us to reevaluating. For anyone who read our goals for 2018, its obvious we did that! Our process was a little jumbled because of our busy lives. But I just want to point out that just because we need to postpone things does not mean we are failing at homesteading, even if it feels that way! Continue reading “Reevaluating Homestead Wants And Needs”

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How To Have A Great Marriage Living In A Tiny Home

I think my husband and I have a pretty great marriage. Sure, we disagree at times, like everyone does. But we never spend days angry at each other. A lot of this is applicable to any relationship, no matter where you live. But living in a tiny home (Tiny House Design Book, Amazon link) will put an extra strain on anyone living there. We have two adults and a toddler living in 250 sq ft, so trust me, I know! We were even interviewed for Tiny Home Magazines Winter 2020 edition!

I have yet to see the way space constraints can affect a marriage talked about. So I thought I’d put this out there for anyone who wants to take up this kind of life. Living in a tiny home can be hard on you and your partner, and it takes some getting used to! Luckily I’ve done 2 solid years of research on this living out here with my husband, and I’m happy to share what I know 🙂

So what tips can I share for having a great marriage in a tiny home?

Continue reading “How To Have A Great Marriage Living In A Tiny Home”

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What I Wish I Knew Before Butchering Pigs

Warning: I’m trying to keep this blog as accurate to our lives as possible. That means posting sad things and mistakes we make. This is not a pigs going easily to the farm in the sky post. This is a hard lesson learned butchering pigs for the first time post. Continue reading “What I Wish I Knew Before Butchering Pigs”

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