Last year I did the top 5 posts at the end of the year. This year I wrote a lot more, so I wanted to share the top 10. Here is the best of Sled Dog Slow 2017: Continue reading “Best Of Sled Dog Slow 2017”
Author: Katie
Use This All Natural Trick From Grandma To Clean Fireplace Glass In 5 Minutes
I’m sure you’ve all run into this before. You got a great deal on a glass-faced wood stove, but the glass has an inch of creosote built up on it. Or you put in a brand new stove (Amazon affiliate link) just last week and already you can’t see the fire through the thick layer of black. Fireplace glass is notorious for getting dirty fast and needing to be cleaned often.
So what to do?
Do you give up on ever seeing the warm glow from the fireplace ever again? Do you spend hours scraping or give in and use harsh chemicals to soak it clean? Think those are your only options?
Well, have I got the trick for you!
It’s all-natural, and I’m sure you already have everything you need at home. Best of all, it’s fast!
This is the difference between my stove glass before and after cleaning it:
I probably wouldn’t of even needed 5 minutes to finish except I was taking pictures for y’all! This process is seriously as simple as it gets. Continue reading “Use This All Natural Trick From Grandma To Clean Fireplace Glass In 5 Minutes”
Homestead Goals For 2018
Wow, rereading our goals for this year sooooo much has changed in what we wanted to do for 2017, vs our goals for 2018. We accomplished a few of our goals, but have also figured out a few that don’t actually work for us. The longer we spend living this way the more we learn. Need vs want, idealism vs reality. Living this far out is not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure. Continue reading “Homestead Goals For 2018”
Building On A Budget – The Alaskan Way
As anyone who has read my previous post about our finances knows, we are on a serious budget out here. But just because we don’t have money doesn’t mean work on the homestead stops! With winter fast approaching, we knew we couldn’t let our water reservoir freeze. Last year we hauled all our water in 5 gallon buckets from a nearby creek, but this year we have running water in the cabin and we pulled from our reservoir for that. So how to keep it from freezing? We thought about burying it, but it’d need to be 8 feet down and that is a lot of digging by hand. Continue reading “Building On A Budget – The Alaskan Way”
Winter Prep On An Alaskan Homestead
Winter is nearly here in our little slice of Alaska. Trees are barren and we’ve already had our first frost. Seeing as winter is our longest and harshest season, we use the rest of the year to prepare for it. So what does preparing for winter on an Alaskan homestead entail? Continue reading “Winter Prep On An Alaskan Homestead”
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