Best Of Sled Dog Slow 2016

Best of 2016 -

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Here are the top 5 posts for the best of Sled Dog Slow 2016

  1. Appreciation For The Small Things – This is my all time favorite post on the blog! Glad to see so many other people enjoyed it as well!
  2. We Might Be A Little Bit Crazy 
  3. Reality Check
  4. A Kick In The Teeth
  5. Pregnancy And Homesteading

This has been a heck of an adventure so far living out here in the Alaskan bush. Off grid is hard, and off-road is harder, but all of our ups and downs have been worth it. We managed to get a home built before winter, build water filtration systems, canned some salmon and blueberries and get set up with chickens. Next year’s plans include a greenhouse, garden, well and hopefully wind power.

I hope to continue living this way with my family for many years to come.

sled dog slow 2016 -

Thank you to all my readers from as far away as Uruguay and South Korea. I hope you’ll continue reading in the coming year!

Make sure to follow us on Facebook for more regular updates!

Here is a bunch of white text to fix the SEO which thinks every post requires 600 words. Sled Dog Slow 2016 for the key word.

Sled Dog Slow 2016 Sled D

High Tide Homestead participates in affiliate programs and may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on this post. See our Disclosure page for more information. 

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