Best Of Sled Dog Slow 2018

Best Of Sled Dog Slow 2018 -

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We may not have been around or posting much this last year, but we still had a lot of new readers! Some of the ways people found us were Pinterest, search engines, Stumbleupon, and Facebook. Most of our readers this year came from the US, with readers from as far as Israel, Isle of Man, Belize and Iceland.

Popular search terms included jungle junkyard, how to raise chickens without electricity, dog labor, outhouse bathroom, Alaska bush living and what are the reasons people would like to live in the bush. Our top 10 morst read posts for Sled Dog Slow 2018 are:

Why A Homestead Often Looks Like A Junkyard

1. Why A Homestead Often Looks Like A Junkyard

This post was shared a lot by my homesteading friends. Quite a few thanked me for giving them a good excuse for the junk piles everywhere! This was #2 on the list for the Best Of in 2017!

25 Reasons Why Living In The Alaskan Bush Is Awesome (And 5 Reasons Why Its Not)

2. 25 Reasons Why Living In The Alaskan Bush Is Awesome (And 5 Reasons Why It’s Not)

This didn’t even make the list in 2017! I really do love living in our little version of the Alaskan Bush, and I was so disappointed to miss out on it this year. From the way the air smells to the every day adventures, rural Alaska is the best place to live!

How To Hack A Chicken Killing Dog -

3. How To Hack A Chicken Killing Dog

Definitely a go to post if you’ve had trouble integrating dogs and chickens before. This is a tried-and-true method for me that I’ve used on multiple dogs over the years. I’ve also received numerous comments from others who have had success with this method as well. Hopefully, you never need it, but it’s better to be over prepared than under prepared!

4. Signs Of Labor In Dogs

A good overview of labor in dogs, from the first signs to what to look out for in the following weeks!

There are many challenges that come with only having seasonal access to our property. Living life by the tides is one of them!

5.  5 Risks When Living Life By The Tides

If you’ve been reading for a while, you know that our access isn’t easy. It’s seasonal, and can be sketchy year round. In summer we can’t often get anything bigger than a 4 wheeler to our place, and we come and go depending on the tides. There are a lot of risks involved with having our access regularly cut off. Just read the post to see what happens if you don’t follow the rules!

6. 50+ Ways To Use Wood Ash

We exclusively use wood to heat our house, and that means a lot of wood ash! I had to find something to do with it when cleaning out the wood stove. Luckily I found over 50 ways I could utilize the ash rather than just tossing it out.

How To Raise Chicks Without Electricity -

7. How To Raise Chicks Without Electricity

When we first moved out to our little piece of Alaskan paradise it was raw land. No driveway, no cabin, no power. So our first batch of chickens I ended up figuring out how to raise without electricity. I actually used these methods for our second batch too because it was more convenient than starting the generator or using up all our solar with heat lamps!

8. Three Surprising Places To Find Cheap Homestead Goods

Homesteading is expensive. Here are three places to find the things you need a little cheaper.

9. The Good, The Bad, The Gross: Outhouse Care

Everything you never thought you’d need to know about having an outhouse!

5 Reasons Why Alaska Is Bigger And Better Than Texas - Sled Dog Slow

10. 5 Reasons Why Alaska Is Bigger And Better Than Texas

Having been in Texas for about a 3rd of 2018 now, I can tell you I still 100% agree with everything I posted after only being here for a few days! Sorry Texans, Alaska is just bigger and better!

And that concludes the best of Sled Dog Slow 2018. I hope to have so much more to share in 2019!

Thanks for reading!



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