Canning Salmon

Canning Salmon -

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Yesterday I got the chance to try canning salmon for the first time. Our friends had a big haul and asked if we were available to help process. They ended up will 66 fish in their net. That is a lot of salmon!


Click here to skip right to the instructions!

While Mike pulled fish in, Kyle and another friend Chase gutted them all.



What a beautiful cooler full of fish!


While the guys worked, Sue showed me how to can a bunch of salmon for Kyle and I. Luckily Sue had a pressure canner (Amazon) and lots of jars for me to use! We cut the fish into large chunks and placed them skin side out in pint jars (Amazon). After doing lots of research and talking to people, I decided not to add water or salt to the jars. Salmon is an oily enough fish that it would secrete those oils to fill the jar while canning. We did add Sriracha Ketchup (Amazon) to some of the jars as an experiment. I thought the flavor would be interesting, and ketchup is supposed to help the salmon color better.





Some of the salmon were so big they nearly didn’t fit in the jars!


We were able to fit 14 pints in the pressure canner, and canned them at 10 psi for 110 minutes.


The salmon turned out beautifully, and we had a great time spending the day with our friends!



Quick & Easy Instructions

  • Sterilize jars and lids in boiling water.
  • Cut cleaned salmon to correct lengths to fit into wide mouth pint jars (Amazon) (they can be filets if you’d like, but I just use chunks).
  • Place salmon skin side out into the jars.
  • Add any extras you’d like here. I used ketchup the first time, and they did color better though the flavor was not changed. Since then I don’t add anything.
  • Carefully wipe the top of the jars clean. Scales can be hard to see, so double check!
  • Place on the lids (I use these reusable Tattler lids) then lightly tighten down the rings.
  • Pack jars into a pressure canner (Amazon), and can at 10 PSI for 110 minutes.
  • Allow jars to cool in canner before removing, then wipe down with soapy water.
  • Store your jars in a cool, dry place.
  • Enjoy your salmon in the months to come!

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