Adding An Addition – The Floor

A few weeks ago Kyle and I decided that living in 96 sq feet was great for two people, but it’s not really enough space with a baby on the way. Since then, his big project has been figuring out how to add on to our current studio. Well, yesterday he finished the floor, and now we can actually see how much more space we’ll have!

What he started with first was clearing out the space in front of our studio and measuring a 12 x 12 area. Of course, it had to rain directly after this, creating a giant mud puddle! Kyle then dug a trench roughly a foot wide all around the 12 x 12 space. This was to put gravel so water could drain away from the wood.

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4 Wheeler Appreciation

So the last few weeks have been unreasonably hard.

Our 4 wheeler’s drive shaft broke, and while we were driving on the beach too! We pushed it as close to the cliff face as possible and trekked the 5 miles back home. Kyle then went back at the next low tide and managed to get it to the truck. It took him 3 hours for a trip he can normally make in 35 minutes. Then we had to order parts and waited 2 weeks for them to come in. In the meantime, we drove the truck and parked it on the beach, walking the last half mile home each time we needed to go to town. Luckily, the tides have been below 30 ft for that time frame. Any tides over that and it would no longer be safe to park the truck on the beach.

Today we finally had all the parts and time, so we decided to work on the 4 wheeler. After much online research, we managed to get the old parts off, and they were definitely ruined.



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I feel like we’ve actually accomplished something and made progress in the past few days.

After Kyle spoke with another gentleman with a cabin up in this area, we gave up on finding our markers for now. He had been coming up to his cabin for 10 years and never found his property markers!

So… we used the plat map, paced off the distance and decided if we went in right in the middle, there was no way we could accidentally be on someone else’s property. Which brings us to:

We have a driveway now! Continue reading “Progress!”