The Best of High Tide Homestead – 2021

Usually this time of year I do a post about the “best of”. The last few years I’ve had the blog under the name Sled Dog Slow, but since we’ve recently rebranded under High Tide Homestead my analytics are a little wonky. That’s not the only thing that has been wonky in 2021 though! Continue reading “The Best of High Tide Homestead – 2021”

Best Of Sled Dog Slow 2018

We may not have been around or posting much this last year, but we still had a lot of new readers! Some of the ways people found us were Pinterest, search engines, Stumbleupon, and Facebook. Most of our readers this year came from the US, with readers from as far as Israel, Isle of Man, Belize and Iceland.

Popular search terms included jungle junkyard, how to raise chickens without electricity, dog labor, outhouse bathroom, Alaska bush living and what are the reasons people would like to live in the bush. Our top 10 morst read posts for Sled Dog Slow 2018 are:

Continue reading “Best Of Sled Dog Slow 2018”