Trials Of Living In A Rainforest Environment

I am a desert baby.

I’ve always lived where it’s hot and rain is there and gone in a flash. I planned my gardens around heat loving plants with low water needs. Moving to South Central Alaska’s rainforest environment has been a huge adjustment for me. I didn’t expect it to be so hard to adapt to this area and it’s more… interesting challenges. Continue reading “Trials Of Living In A Rainforest Environment”

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Adding An Addition – The Floor

A few weeks ago Kyle and I decided that living in 96 sq feet was great for two people, but it’s not really enough space with a baby on the way. Since then, his big project has been figuring out how to add on to our current studio. Well, yesterday he finished the floor, and now we can actually see how much more space we’ll have!

What he started with first was clearing out the space in front of our studio and measuring a 12 x 12 area. Of course, it had to rain directly after this, creating a giant mud puddle! Kyle then dug a trench roughly a foot wide all around the 12 x 12 space. This was to put gravel so water could drain away from the wood.

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Tips For Living Small

Kyle and I currently live in roughly 96 sq feet of space, so we know a thing or two about living small. I thought I’d write out some of the things that we’ve learned that have made living in such tight quarters easier for us. We were even interviewed for Tiny Home Magazines Winter 2020 edition! Continue reading “Tips For Living Small”

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DIY Off Grid Water Filter

I finally finished our most recent homestead project, and just in time too! We were almost out of water brought in from town, so I built us a water filter for the creek water here. I used a ceramic filter, spigot and two food safe buckets (though if I did this project again I’d use steel pots). Continue reading “DIY Off Grid Water Filter”

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Building A Chicken Coop For (Almost) Free

Today we finished our 3′ x 5′ chicken coop (yay!) and were able to move our thirty-two chicks out of the green house.

I know a 3′ X 5′ seems a little small for thirty-two chickens, but they are all under a month old right now and have plenty of space. And fifteen of them are meat birds, so they won’t be living in the coop to long. We made a stockade style “cabin” chicken coop as we needed to clear some trees, anyway. We were able to come up with quite a few 4 ft long pieces roughly the same diameter. So then we picked a spot and Kyle started digging!


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