How To Hack A Chicken Killing Dog


How To Hack A Chicken Killing Dog -

Anyone who has chickens and dogs at the same time knows the anxiety that goes with introducing the two.

Our dog, Link, killed 15 of our birds the first time he was ever trusted alone around them. Now he is left alone with them regularly and hasn’t touched one since. How did we manage this? By hacking Link! So no more chicken killing from him. Now we have a new rescue husky, Laska. Unfortunately she killed a chicken her first time around them. We used the same trick on her, and two days later, she ignores the chickens when they walk up to her. Continue reading “How To Hack A Chicken Killing Dog”

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Dogs And Outhouses

After much online searching, I have been able to come up with nothing on how to solve an interesting problem we’ve encountered out here, dogs and outhouses.



Dogs and Outhouses -

is much to interested in the outhouse! So far Ronan has been caught trying to dig under it three times. That really is bad dog behavior. Luckily, none of the other dogs have any interest in the outhouse at all. Continue reading “Dogs And Outhouses”

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