Off the Grid and Into Learning: Navigating Homeschooling

Welcome to the unique and inspiring world of off-grid homeschooling.

For families like ours, homeschooling isn’t just an educational choice; it’s a full-fledged lifestyle. Let’s explore the realities of educating children off the road system and off the grid in Alaska.

The Challenges of Off-Grid Homeschooling

Firstly, embracing the off-grid life means welcoming a host of challenges that can turn everyday learning into a feat of adaptability and problem-solving. Among these, we address the most common problems that come with homeschooling off-grid:

NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC Mega Fossil Dig Kit (Amazon affiliate link)

  • Access to Resources: Without the ease of a quick trip to the store, gathering educational materials requires foresight and planning. Families often rely on physical books (affiliate link), which can be heavy and require ample storage space. For example, traveling to town is an all-day adventure for us. Besides that, our first cabin out here was only 250sq ft for 3 years, making storage limited.
  • Technology Limitations: Additionally, the absence of reliable electricity and internet connectivity poses difficulties in many areas. Leveraging online educational platforms is not easy without service providers. This has been made much better in the last few years with the advent of satellite internet like Starlink.
  • Weather Constraints: In areas like Alaska, extreme weather can disrupt schedules and outdoor educational activities. This means homeschooling off-grid requires a flexible approach to routines. I like to call this the non-Newtonian fluid method of homeschooling.
  • Socialization: Off-grid living sometimes means isolation from larger communities. In this situation, there can be concerns about social development and opportunities for children to engage with peers.

Despite these challenges, off-grid families find inventive solutions. These include utilizing alternative power for electricity needs or engaging with local homeschooling networks for socialization and shared resources. We use IDEA to help homeschool our girls, as we have freedom over curriculum, while also receiving support from teachers and admin when needed.

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Melissa & Doug USA Map Floor Puzzle (Amazon affiliate link)

The Joys of Off-Grid Homeschooling

Amidst the challenges, off-grid homeschooling is a reservoir of joy and unique experiences that enrich a child’s education immeasurably:

  1. Deep Connection with Nature: Lessons often extend beyond the pages of textbooks and into the natural world that surrounds an off-grid home. This instills a profound respect for the environment in children.
  2. Practical Life Skills: Off-grid living requires a range of skills from gardening to carpentry. As a result, children have the opportunity to learn practical and often survival skills alongside their academic studies.
  3. Innovative Problem-Solving: Necessity begets invention, and children learn to be creative problem-solvers as they adapt to living and learning without the grid’s luxuries.
  4. Strong Family Bonds: Homeschooling in such close quarters naturally fosters tight-knit relationships. In fact, the off-grid and homeschooling lifestyle allows for family members to spend significant time together, learning and growing as a unit.

For our family and countless others, these joys provide a compelling counterbalance to the challenges, making the choice to move off-grid and homeschool not just viable, but deeply fulfilling.

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Learning Resources Coding Critters Ranger & Zip (Amazon affiliate link)


Homeschooling off-grid often comes with obstacles that demand resilience and a pioneering spirit. Yet, it also has unparalleled rewards in the form of life lessons, family bonding, and the beauty of living in a rural environment. This lifestyle is an invitation to redefine what education can look like, grounded in the values of self-reliance and the embracing of our natural surroundings. Whether for a season or a lifetime, the adventure of off-grid homeschooling is a transformative experience that leaves its mark on both parent and child.

Raising Little Wilds
The Joys And Tribulations Of Raising Off Grid Kids

Raising kids while living off grid has been one heck of an experience. From being pregnant hours from a hospital to having to become a master of making something from nothing. Even though having kids in town would probably (definitely) make things easier, I wouldn’t have it any other way. So here are some of the questions we get most often about our off grid kids: Continue reading “Raising Little Wilds
The Joys And Tribulations Of Raising Off Grid Kids”

Where The Wild Things Grow

I know I’ve been slacking on the blog lately, but there have been some wild things going on around here. Firstly…

Kyle and I are in The New Pioneer Magazine talking about our tiny house!

Look at that handsome guy with a chick on his shoulder! If you want to read the whole article or pick yourself up a print copy (I know I will!) you can order it online here.

And… I’ve also been writing, illustrating, and self-publishing my first print book!

 I’m really excited to put this book out into the world. Writing a book is something I’ve been pondering doing for quite a while and Where The Wild Things Grow is the perfect way to dip my toe into the water of self-publishing. I wrote this book with real experiences I’ve had with my girls off grid and off-road, right down to Bellamy’s friend “Sluggy”.

I hope this tale encourages growth in all the other wild things out there.


There are a few other books I’m working on as well. Several still in the editing phase, and a few have moved on to illustrations even.  Keep an eye on our Books page for more of my work!

Order your copy of Where The Wild Things Grow here, and thanks for all your support!

The Key To Happiness Is Gratitude

I’ve been struggling to write this post for a while because this is not what we wanted for our summer. Don’t get me wrong, fishing is awesome, and we have been so happy to be back in Alaska. But, it’s hard not to complain when it comes to this summer. I’m trying to keep in mind that the key to happiness is gratitude, and some really great things have come from all the bad. We’re just in a little tougher of a spot than we had hoped to be.

The Key To Happiness Is Gratitude

Continue reading “The Key To Happiness Is Gratitude”

Update: How We Feel About
Being Parents Off Grid

So I suppose it’s about time I update this post about being new parents off grid. I know we’re almost 3 years into being parents with Bellamy, but I still feel totally new at everything! And now with her younger sister Inara, we get to experience all those fear and wonder inducing things a second time around.

How We Feel About Being Parents Off Grid

Continue reading “Update: How We Feel About
Being Parents Off Grid”