Homestead Goals For 2019

In keeping with the trend since I started this blog, I wanted to lay out our goals for the homestead over the next year. Even though we spent most of this year away from Alaska, we are excited to return to what we think of as our “real” lives. So here are our homestead goals for 2019!

Homestead Goals for 2019 -

Homestead Goals 2018-2019

We had a total of 8 goals we wanted to accomplish in 2018. I will move a few of these over to 2019’s goals as well, like purchasing a fishing permit so we don’t have to go to town for work. Others will be expanded on or completely removed for this coming year. Our goals for 2018 were: Continue reading “Homestead Goals For 2019”

All The Nothing That Happened In 2018

All The Nothing That Happened In 2018 -

What to say about 2018, besides this year has kinda sucked.

We had to leave Alaska to handle some business in the lower 48, ended up moving several times (Alaska, Texas, Western Washington and Eastern Washington, then back to Texas. Whew!). We’ve worked several 9-5’s because city life ain’t cheap, dealt with hour long commutes, and lost 2 of our dogs 🙁

We didn’t get any of our goals done because of all the moves. This year feels as though we have been at a standstill with our real lives. Everything has been a waiting game.

Granted, not everything was bad.

Continue reading “All The Nothing That Happened In 2018”

5 Reasons Why Alaska Is Bigger And Better Than Texas

For the next few weeks I’m visiting family in Texas! While I’m sure Texas is a fine state full of fine people, I hadn’t even been here an hour when I decided I was going to write this post. Of course I had to start my visit off with a bang 😉 So why exactly is Alaska bigger and better than Texas? Continue reading “5 Reasons Why Alaska Is Bigger And Better Than Texas”

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How To Have A Great Marriage Living In A Tiny Home

I think my husband and I have a pretty great marriage. Sure, we disagree at times, like everyone does. But we never spend days angry at each other. A lot of this is applicable to any relationship, no matter where you live. But living in a tiny home (Tiny House Design Book, Amazon link) will put an extra strain on anyone living there. We have two adults and a toddler living in 250 sq ft, so trust me, I know! We were even interviewed for Tiny Home Magazines Winter 2020 edition!

I have yet to see the way space constraints can affect a marriage talked about. So I thought I’d put this out there for anyone who wants to take up this kind of life. Living in a tiny home can be hard on you and your partner, and it takes some getting used to! Luckily I’ve done 2 solid years of research on this living out here with my husband, and I’m happy to share what I know 🙂

So what tips can I share for having a great marriage in a tiny home?

Continue reading “How To Have A Great Marriage Living In A Tiny Home”

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Pros And Cons Of Tiny House Living

Update: Check out our interview on tiny home living in The New Pioneer magazine Winter 2020 edition!

We live in a tiny house. It’s not the smallest I’ve ever seen, but it’s pretty small for two adults and a growing baby. Including our storage-only loft, our house is still less than 300 sq ft (Tiny House Living, Amazon link). I think it’s a mansion compared to what we started without here, which was less than 100 sq ft. As much as I love our little cabin, it has always been a temporary space. There are lots of reasons to love it, and just as many reasons to be excited to start our larger forever cabin. Just like every aspect of life, tiny house living has its pros and cons. Continue reading “Pros And Cons Of Tiny House Living”