Diversifying Our Forest – An Update

If you read our original post about diversifying our forest, you know that a drought and the global panini ruined our hopes of planting 1,000 trees in 2020. I still managed to plant 186 trees, which will remain happily on this property when we move homesteads. Hopefully the next owner will enjoy the work we did!

And because the new property is so different, from soil to wind to temperature, the forest diversification plan needs to change. Many of the trees will be the same since we are a little limited by temperature here in our USDA Zone 4. So here is the updated plan for 1,000 trees at High Tide Homestead. Continue reading “Diversifying Our Forest – An Update”

A Greenhouse And A Garden

We’ve been keeping ourselves busy with this gorgeous sunny weather we’ve been having here. From cutting in the driveway to where the new cabin will go and picking our building spot, to building a greenhouse and prepping the garden space. We’ve even been having hotdogs and smores over the fire as we slowly burn our slash pile in our new fire pit! Continue reading “A Greenhouse And A Garden”

Diversifying Our Forest:
Planting 1,000+ Trees

One of our goals for 2019 and goals for 2020 has been planting more trees. Rather than just adding more Birch and Spruce I have been hard at work researching what kinds of trees we should plant, where we should plant them, and what they will provide for us. I have chosen each to help diversify our current property use and be part of a healthy ecosystem. Diversifying our forest will help it’s carbon capture abilities, as well as it’s ability to withstand disease and insects. Continue reading “Diversifying Our Forest:
Planting 1,000+ Trees”

50+ Ways To Use Wood Ash

Burning wood for heat means we end up with quite a bit of wood ash. I have a few go to’s for using it around the homestead but I recently decided to research what else I could use it for. Turns out wood ash is amazingly useful! So, whether it comes from a bonfire or a wood stove, save that ash and put it to use! Continue reading “50+ Ways To Use Wood Ash”

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