Homestead Goals For 2019

In keeping with the trend since I started this blog, I wanted to lay out our goals for the homestead over the next year. Even though we spent most of this year away from Alaska, we are excited to return to what we think of as our “real” lives. So here are our homestead goals for 2019!

Homestead Goals for 2019 -

Homestead Goals 2018-2019

We had a total of 8 goals we wanted to accomplish in 2018. I will move a few of these over to 2019’s goals as well, like purchasing a fishing permit so we don’t have to go to town for work. Others will be expanded on or completely removed for this coming year. Our goals for 2018 were: Continue reading “Homestead Goals For 2019”

Homestead Goals For 2018

Wow, rereading our goals for this year sooooo much has changed in what we wanted to do for 2017, vs our goals for 2018. We accomplished a few of our goals, but have also figured out a few that don’t actually work for us. The longer we spend living this way the more we learn. Need vs want, idealism vs reality. Living this far out is not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure. Continue reading “Homestead Goals For 2018”

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Homestead Goals For 2017

Kyle and I have done a lot of work on our property since we came out here in June 2016.

Taking raw land, clearing some of it, by hand no less, and building a cabin. We also got chickens (and lost chickens), built water filters, preserved wild foods, and learned how to can salmon. We recently spent some time deciding what our goals for 2017 would be and came up with the following list: Continue reading “Homestead Goals For 2017”

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