Animal Plans On The Homestead

Since we are moving to the new cabin this summer, and the land is already partially cleared, I’ve been thinking about animals I want to add back to the homestead. We’ve had chickens, goats, rabbits and pigs out here. It won’t feel like a real homestead again until we get some animal pens together and some food growing! Continue reading “Animal Plans On The Homestead”

Then vs Now – How We Would Move To Alaska If We Did It All Again

With the all the planning to move to the new cabin, Kyle and I have been reminiscing on how our planning went our move to Alaska in 2016. It turns out there are quite a few things we both would change if we could go back and do it all again. So, here’s a list of things to think about if you are making a similar move: Continue reading “Then vs Now – How We Would Move To Alaska If We Did It All Again”

The Importance Of Cleaning Your Chimney

Before moving to Alaska, I owned a house with a cute little wood stove. I didn’t need it to heat the house, but I loved having a little fire and sitting by it. Having a pre-installed, mostly decorative stove differed greatly from installing our own for heating, but it taught me some things. I did a little cooking on it, and I learned the importance of maintaining its chimney. Continue reading “The Importance Of Cleaning Your Chimney”