Shop Drop!

New and exciting things are happening here at High Tide Homestead! After many, many test samples we finally have beanies and hoodies with our logo for sale! Check them out on our new Shop page, or can also find our items in our Facebook Shop as well!

Here is a sample of our new items:

shop drop shop

Thanks for your support of our adventures!

Dropping some more text here in white because SEO is ridiculous and thinks a post where I am directing to a page needs 300 words. Congrats if you find this text down here, there are only two pages on the whole blog where this exists (for now!) Maybe I should start putting promo codes for the shop in these. SEO would probably really like it if I did that with the key word for the post too. In this case it is shop, which SEO doesn’t like because I have a page under the same key word. Someday I’ll learn how to actually do this properly. Only 100 words away from 262 which SEO deems yellow instead of red, and that pops the whole thing to green. Unfortunately adding this down here is also messing with my readability score. I’ll have to pare this down to not have so much passive voice. 

The Key To Happiness Is Gratitude

I’ve been struggling to write this post for a while because this is not what we wanted for our summer. Don’t get me wrong, fishing is awesome, and we have been so happy to be back in Alaska. But, it’s hard not to complain when it comes to this summer. I’m trying to keep in mind that the key to happiness is gratitude, and some really great things have come from all the bad. We’re just in a little tougher of a spot than we had hoped to be.

The Key To Happiness Is Gratitude

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