Mechanical Concrete – Recycling Old Tires

We’ve been busy, busy, busy this past month! One of the first projects we needed to get done to move to the new cabin was grading the driveway so we could once again drive up the bluff. Once it was graded the next step was doing something to keep it from washing out during high tides. I have been researching how to do this for a few months now, and found a technique called mechanical concrete. Continue reading “Mechanical Concrete – Recycling Old Tires”

Then vs Now – How We Would Move To Alaska If We Did It All Again

With the all the planning to move to the new cabin, Kyle and I have been reminiscing on how our planning went our move to Alaska in 2016. It turns out there are quite a few things we both would change if we could go back and do it all again. So, here’s a list of things to think about if you are making a similar move: Continue reading “Then vs Now – How We Would Move To Alaska If We Did It All Again”

A House Within A Cabin

Ah, the quirks and idiosyncrasies of old houses. And this old cabin is no different! Or, as it were, two old cabins:


Even the floorboards in the kitchen and living room areas are different. The kitchen has wide planks where the living room’s boards are much narrower. And the wall between the two rooms that we were pretty sure is load bearing seems to be the exterior of the original cabin. So the entire building was two cabins smooshed together, then had two stories, and a roof added on top! Continue reading “A House Within A Cabin”

Raising Little Wilds
The Joys And Tribulations Of Raising Off Grid Kids

Raising kids while living off grid has been one heck of an experience. From being pregnant hours from a hospital to having to become a master of making something from nothing. Even though having kids in town would probably (definitely) make things easier, I wouldn’t have it any other way. So here are some of the questions we get most often about our off grid kids: Continue reading “Raising Little Wilds
The Joys And Tribulations Of Raising Off Grid Kids”