5 Tips For Buying Remote Land

The first step when Kyle and I decided we were going to move to Alaska was buying remote land. We knew we wanted off the beaten path, year round access, space, and as few neighbors as possible. Our families helped us look for parcels and choose areas of the state to look in. Researching remote land even brough us to Alaska for our honeymoon and had us purchasing land just a few short months later. Call it luck or good planning, our place out here checks every box on our list! Continue reading “5 Tips For Buying Remote Land”

An Off Grid Wish List For Self Sufficiency

So you wish to go off grid, eh?

From wanting to be more self sufficient, to living a more minimalist lifestyle, there are many reasons to want this kind of life. But before jumping right it there is much research to be done! Having lived this way for a few years now, I thought I’d write out a list of things I wish we had done better or differently on our journey into this life. Continue reading “An Off Grid Wish List For Self Sufficiency”

What About Crime When Living Off The Grid?

If you follow us on Facebook or Instagram, you saw the post in June about our new ATV being stolen. It was a rough time because it was stolen while we were at a family friend’s funeral, and our Blue truck had broke down on the beach that trip home. I was honestly amazed that someone would come that far off the road system to steal from people. A crime (or 5) of opportunity, I suppose.

We absolutely lucked out though, as one of our neighbors spotted our ATV being driven the next day, along with another stolen ATV. Police were called, and the person admitted to hot-wiring the machines. Court is ongoing, so I won’t say much more. But now we’re a little more conscious of our safety and security out here. Continue reading “What About Crime When Living Off The Grid?”