Traveling The ALCAN – Again!

Can you believe it? Kyle has driven the ALCAN for the third time now! I blogged about his previous adventures on the ALCAN and how he prepared for the drive here: How To Prep For Driving The ALCAN. There is tons of information in that post if you are planning on traveling on a similar trip!

This time Kyle was traveling this road because vehicle prices in Alaska are absolutely crazy right now. It was cheaper for him to fly to Washington, buy a truck, and drive it back than it was to try and buy up here. I’m not even kidding when I say we couldn’t expect to pay less than $20,000 for a 10-year-old truck in good enough condition for us. Instead, we got a fleet truck with excellent mileage and maintenance records for $13,000 in Washington.

Not to mention that Kyle got to road trip with his dad! And they had quite a few adventures while traveling. From accidentally arriving to a town in the middle of a street racing festival, to having the new truck not start one morning. They even saw a wrecked semi in the same spot Kyle saw one on his second trip up the ALCAN. He took these pictures back in 2018:

Traveling the ALCAN Again!

Here’s the semi from this year’s trip:

Traveling the ALCAN Again! - Traveling the ALCAN Again! -

Is it the same truck that rolled down the hill as the snow melted? Who knows! It just goes to show how dangerous this road can be though. Especially in winter conditions. I’m glad Kyle made this trip while the roads were still good and before there was snow on the ground!

Check out the two-part video series Kyle made about this trip below. Part 1 is about 12 minutes and part 2 is around 18 minutes.

Thanks for watching, and as always, thanks for reading!

Beach Etiquette:
7 Rules For Safely Driving On The Beach

If you’ve been reading the blog, or following along on other social media, you know our property can only be accessed by beach in the summer. What you may not know is that, just like the road, the beach has a set of rules for driving. I like to call this beach etiquette. Because the beach is such an interesting “driveway” I thought I’d explain its rules a little. Now some of these rules are unspoken things that we’ve just picked up as a courtesy, and some were explicitly explained to us. Although I’ve geared this specifically towards driving our beach, many of these rules apply to any off-road travel. I hope you enjoy this list! Continue reading “Beach Etiquette:
7 Rules For Safely Driving On The Beach”

How To Prep For Driving The ALCAN

Kyle is finally back in Alaska, hooray!

How To Prep For Driving The ALCAN -

This is the second time in 12 months that Kyle has made the ALCAN (Alaska-Canada highway) drive, and we thought we’d put together a little checklist for anyone else who is planning the drive through Canada to reach Alaska. Last March Kyle drove entirely on the ALCAN, while this time he took a different route for a part of the trip along the Stewart-Cassiar highway. This shaved about 3 hours from his drive, though it was a bit more dangerous for driving. Just check out this rolled and abandoned semi he saw! I wonder if someone will come back for it in summer?

Our original plan was to have us all drive together in Spring, but since it’s still fully winter Kyle took Ronan and did the trip himself. We didn’t really want to make a million potty stops for pregnant me and the toddler. With just the dog, he was able to make the trip in about 4 days, with a total of 47 hours driving. That’s a bit longer than the actual ALCAN because it starts at Mile 0 in Dawson’s Creek, CA and ends in Delta Junction, AK. Since Kyle was coming from Washington, there was extra drive time and mileage involved. This was not a leisure trip, but a get from Point A to Point B trip, so there were a lot of long stretches of driving. Even with all the music he listened to, he was also able to get through 2 1/2 Harry Potter books (Amazon) on audio tape! Continue reading “How To Prep For Driving The ALCAN”

All The Nothing That Happened In 2018

All The Nothing That Happened In 2018 -

What to say about 2018, besides this year has kinda sucked.

We had to leave Alaska to handle some business in the lower 48, ended up moving several times (Alaska, Texas, Western Washington and Eastern Washington, then back to Texas. Whew!). We’ve worked several 9-5’s because city life ain’t cheap, dealt with hour long commutes, and lost 2 of our dogs 🙁

We didn’t get any of our goals done because of all the moves. This year feels as though we have been at a standstill with our real lives. Everything has been a waiting game.

Granted, not everything was bad.

Continue reading “All The Nothing That Happened In 2018”