Off-Grid ASMR

ASMR stands for autonomous sensory meridian response. 

It’s the tingly, goosebump feelings you get when listening to really good music. And lots of other sounds can cause the same feeling. If you like to listen to waves crashing and snow falling then I have the perfect YouTube playlist for you! It’s packed full of previous live videos right from our front yard on the Cook Inlet.

We even got a better mic so the waves crashing are much crisper now.

We are currently working on going live from the front yard across most of our social media channels. Check us out as High Tide Homestead on YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, and Kick. Right now we don’t have a specific schedule, as going live is weather and other project dependant.

Check out the playlist below for off-grid ASMR or head on over to our YouTube for these and other off-grid videos. We should have more videos up this winter with cabin updates too!

Also, Google doesn’t like it when my posts are under 300 words for SEO, so here are a few other random updates we’ve been saving up: We’ve got solar up, expect a full-length YouTube video on that, and a blog post soon. We’re even making our own battery with individual cells. And I have a new job on the North Slope that I start training for next month.

But I saved the best for last:

On November 14th you’ll be able to see us on Life Below Zero: Next Generation! I hope you get the chance to tune in. I’m nervous but also excited to see the difference between how we film and edit vs a professional portrayal of our lifestyle. I think we might let a lot more funny stuff slip through 😅

If you made it this far down, thanks for reading and all the support over the years!

Abundance For The Table – Foraging

Alaska is known as the land abundance for a reason. Even though we live on the edge of USDA zones 3/4, I can’t step outside without being surrounded by food. In fact, when we were first researching our move Kyle and I joked that there was no way to starve out here as long as we went foraging to use the abundance around us! Continue reading “Abundance For The Table – Foraging”

The Summer Of Never Ending Rain

The old adage in Alaska is that summer is for building, and we have a lot of things that need built! We had plans on plans on plans for this summer, and they have all gone by the wayside thanks to the rain.

Firstly we were planning to finish the roof. We weren’t able to complete it last year because there were 4 windows that still needed cut in and it got too cold. Half of the house has been very dark without those windows! We had hoped to have them in and the roof on as soon as it warmed up. Except this summer has never warmed up. It’s into July and we are still averaging under 60°F. To add insult to injury we have had exactly 3 days of sun this summer, and it still wasn’t even the full day. We can’t install and seal windows and roofing in the rain, so I’m not sure when we will be able to finish that.


the rain and snow melt managed to take out our beach access, and that was a pain to fix! We can’t drive to our cabin without the access up the bluff. Gotta love unexpected emergency fixes. And our property had almost no standing water last year, but thanks to the rain its everywhere this year.

The summer of endless rain -

We also wanted to go BIG with the garden this summer. Between the cold temperatures and constant rain everying is about 2 inches high and waterlogged. I have potatoes planted in bags that are under cover so I have my fingers crossed I get enough of those to can for winter.

Another side effect of all this rain has been the massive mosquito population. We are using all the tips and tricks. From using mosquito dunks in standing water, using DEET on us and Sawyer Permethrin on the dogs (not cats!), to having multiple traps around the property. We even have electric mosquito rackets in the house, and we are still getting eaten! This is the first year since we moved to Alaska that I’ve regretted having an outhouse. There are always mosquitos in it!

Last year by this time I was over the drought and hoping for rain every day. This summer has been the opposite! We could really use a week of straight sun to get some of the bigger things done.

The summer of endless rain -

Abundance For The Table – Animals

Alaska is known for its abundance of wildlife and diverse hunting and fishing opportunities. The rugged terrain, pristine forests, vast wetlands and waterways of our area provide an ideal habitat for a wide variety of fish and game. These include moose, black bear, brown bear and a variety of small animals. Provided a person is willing to tromp through the swamps or rivers, and has the proper tools, meat for the table is abundant here. Continue reading “Abundance For The Table – Animals”

Alaskan Words And Phrases

I just want to start off by saying this post about Alaskan words and phrases was prompted by a lovely gentlemen online who told me to “evolve” for using the word snowmachine. And that was after I had explained that it was a regional difference just like pop, soda and coke. So here are some of the first Alaskan specific words I learned so that I could be understood by my new friends and neighbors. Continue reading “Alaskan Words And Phrases”