Sled Dog Slow
Goals For 2021

2021 Goals -

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So 2020 was a heck of a year. We didn’t have many goals, but the ones we had were rather large. And we did manage to get a few completed through the chaos. So even though I’m hesitant to lay out too much to get done this year, we do have some idea of how we’ll be spending our time.

Goals For 2021


Finish and add a few upgrades to the current cabin

Eventually this cabin will be for guests or family, as a few relatives have said they’d like to retire in Alaska. So we want to spruce things up a bit, like adding more counter space and an actual kitchen sink. We’ll also reroute our wiring to switches, no more unplugging things to turn them off and conserve battery life.

Fix all our vehicles

We have one snow machine that we bought broken for cheap to fix up. And our blue truck that we broke the transfer case on that still needs fixed. We’re going to take everything apart this summer and do some hard core maintenance and replacement of parts.

Finish the driveway and build a garage

We need to do this for easier vehicle maintenance. No more laying in the snow to change out parts!

Large garden

There’s a lot more room in the house for seed starting, so I’m hoping for a bigger and much better garden this year. Last year was so cold and dry I don’t think anyone’s outdoor garden did very well. I’m still hoping for a high tunnel of sorts some day, but they aren’t cheap.

And also, video production!

We finally bought a GoPro (Amazon), and a drone. Content creation is one of our biggest goals for 2021. So expect a lot more videos of all our adventures on Youtube and other social media in the near future!

Goals For 2021 -



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