Sled Dog Slow
Goals For 2020

As always, we have big goals and bigger dreams for our lives in Alaska. Life off grid is not an easy feat and every year what we want and need seems to change. Looking at how far we come and how far we have yet to go can overwhelm at times, and writing these yearly goal lists help us keep everything manageable. And that remains true even when we don’t accomplish everything we wanted. That said, we have a couple hold over goals for 2020, just like we did last year. But first, a recap of how we did with goals from 2019.

goals for 2020

Continue reading “Sled Dog Slow
Goals For 2020″

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5 Reasons Why Alaska Is Bigger And Better Than Texas

For the next few weeks I’m visiting family in Texas! While I’m sure Texas is a fine state full of fine people, I hadn’t even been here an hour when I decided I was going to write this post. Of course I had to start my visit off with a bang 😉 So why exactly is Alaska bigger and better than Texas? Continue reading “5 Reasons Why Alaska Is Bigger And Better Than Texas”

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50+ Ways To Use Wood Ash

Burning wood for heat means we end up with quite a bit of wood ash. I have a few go to’s for using it around the homestead but I recently decided to research what else I could use it for. Turns out wood ash is amazingly useful! So, whether it comes from a bonfire or a wood stove, save that ash and put it to use! Continue reading “50+ Ways To Use Wood Ash”

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What I Wish I Knew Before Butchering Pigs

Warning: I’m trying to keep this blog as accurate to our lives as possible. That means posting sad things and mistakes we make. This is not a pigs going easily to the farm in the sky post. This is a hard lesson learned butchering pigs for the first time post. Continue reading “What I Wish I Knew Before Butchering Pigs”

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