4 Wheeler Appreciation

So the last few weeks have been unreasonably hard.

Our 4-wheeler’s drive shaft broke, and while we were driving on the beach too! We pushed it as close to the cliff face as possible and trekked the 5 miles back home. Kyle then went back at the next low tide and managed to get it to the truck. It took him 3 hours for a trip he can normally make in 35 minutes. Then we had to order parts and waited 2 weeks for them to come in. In the meantime, we drove the truck and parked it on the beach, walking the last half mile home each time we needed to go to town. Luckily, the tides have been below 30 ft for that time frame. Any tides over that and it would no longer be safe to park the truck on the beach.

Today we finally had all the parts and time, so we decided to work on the 4-wheeler. After much online research, we managed to get the old parts off, and they were definitely ruined.



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Honda EU2000i Generator Review


Using a generator as your main source of power for most of the year is a lot different than taking it out once a year for camping or an emergency. As such, I thought it was time to come back to this review, over a year later, and update how our generator is doing.

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How To Raise Chicks Without Electricity

How To Raise Chicks Without Electricity - SledDogSlow.com

.I love chickens, I always have ever since raising my first batch of chicks as an FFA project in high school. So when Kyle and I moved off the grid, chickens were a must on my list, both for meat and eggs. However, raising chicks without electricity comes with quite a few challenges, so here is what’s working for me.

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Yup, We’re Crazy. And Also Idiots.

Let me preface this by saying we saw our land for the first time and we absolutely love it! It’s thickly treed, level, dry, and a hop, skip and jump away from a lake, two creeks and the ocean! How much better could it get?

I mean, check out our beautiful 3 part driveway:

Part 1 takes us down miles of beach

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