Homestead Goals For 2018

Wow, rereading our goals for this year sooooo much has changed in what we wanted to do for 2017, vs our goals for 2018. We accomplished a few of our goals, but have also figured out a few that don’t actually work for us. The longer we spend living this way the more we learn. Need vs want, idealism vs reality. Living this far out is not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure. Continue reading “Homestead Goals For 2018”

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Winter Prep On An Alaskan Homestead

Winter is nearly here in our little slice of Alaska. Trees are barren and we’ve already had our first frost. Seeing as winter is our longest and harshest season, we use the rest of the year to prepare for it. So what does preparing for winter on an Alaskan homestead entail? Continue reading “Winter Prep On An Alaskan Homestead”

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Yup, We’re Crazy. And Also Idiots.

Let me preface this by saying we saw our land for the first time and we absolutely love it! It’s thickly treed, level, dry, and a hop, skip and jump away from a lake, two creeks and the ocean! How much better could it get?

I mean, check out our beautiful 3 part driveway:

Part 1 takes us down miles of beach

idiots avatar_146268044281420160506_105426 Continue reading “Yup, We’re Crazy. And Also Idiots.”

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We Might Be A Little Bit Crazy

This is it! Our crazy plan of moving to Alaska is officially underway!

Let me backtrack a little bit. For several years I have been looking at property and dreaming about moving out into the country on a little homestead of my own. I’d considered moving out of Washington due to land prices, but was never able to get the courage to go by myself.

Then along came my boyfriend Kyle, who out of the blue asked me to move to the Alaskan backwoods and live off grid with him (okay, we may have been watching one of those off grid Alaskan survival shows (Amazon) so it wasn’t totally out of the blue). I said yes, but only if he married me, and he said yes too! We spent the next month or so in a whirlwind of planning. We got married, then headed to Alaska for our 4 day honeymoon to look for land. After exploring the areas we liked we came home, spent some time on research and purchased our land in September 2015. Hooray for being the proud owners of nearly 5.5 acres of raw land on the Kenai Peninsula!  Continue reading “We Might Be A Little Bit Crazy”

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