Living The Off Grid Life As New Parents

Living The Off Grid Life As New Parents -

As many of you know, Kyle and I found out I was pregnant before we gave up everything to move to Alaska.

Starting a homestead from scratch while pregnant was not easy (post here). We didn’t want to try starting from scratch with a toddler, though. Luckily for us, our daughter Bellamy is what I would call an easy baby. She slept through the night nearly from day one, doesn’t have many fussy spells and is easy to comfort. That’s not to say life with a newborn baby on the homestead hasn’t been challenging, especially as new parents.

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We Might Be A Little Bit Crazy

This is it! Our crazy plan of moving to Alaska is officially underway!

Let me backtrack a little bit. For several years I have been looking at property and dreaming about moving out into the country on a little homestead of my own. I’d considered moving out of Washington due to land prices, but was never able to get the courage to go by myself.

Then along came my boyfriend Kyle, who out of the blue asked me to move to the Alaskan backwoods and live off grid with him (okay, we may have been watching one of those off grid Alaskan survival shows (Amazon) so it wasn’t totally out of the blue). I said yes, but only if he married me, and he said yes too! We spent the next month or so in a whirlwind of planning. We got married, then headed to Alaska for our 4 day honeymoon to look for land. After exploring the areas we liked we came home, spent some time on research and purchased our land in September 2015. Hooray for being the proud owners of nearly 5.5 acres of raw land on the Kenai Peninsula!  Continue reading “We Might Be A Little Bit Crazy”

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