Sled Dog Slow
Goals For 2020

As always, we have big goals and bigger dreams for our lives in Alaska. Life off grid is not an easy feat and every year what we want and need seems to change. Looking at how far we come and how far we have yet to go can overwhelm at times, and writing these yearly goal lists help us keep everything manageable. And that remains true even when we don’t accomplish everything we wanted. That said, we have a couple hold over goals for 2020, just like we did last year. But first, a recap of how we did with goals from 2019.

goals for 2020

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Goals For 2020″

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Reevaluating Homestead Wants And Needs

Sometimes, in order to be happy, we need to take a step back and look at the big picture. Sometimes that leads us to reevaluating. For anyone who read our goals for 2018, its obvious we did that! Our process was a little jumbled because of our busy lives. But I just want to point out that just because we need to postpone things does not mean we are failing at homesteading, even if it feels that way! Continue reading “Reevaluating Homestead Wants And Needs”

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