Living Off Grid During A Global Pandemic

I really tried to avoid writing this post. I feel a little annoyed at jumping on the ‘pandemic wagon, ” as it seems everyone is trying to cash in on our crazy new reality. But I have been asked so many times lately about how this has affected our lives. I thought I’d lay out all the changes here: Continue reading “Living Off Grid During A Global Pandemic”

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50+ Ways To Use Wood Ash

Burning wood for heat means we end up with quite a bit of wood ash. I have a few go to’s for using it around the homestead but I recently decided to research what else I could use it for. Turns out wood ash is amazingly useful! So, whether it comes from a bonfire or a wood stove, save that ash and put it to use! Continue reading “50+ Ways To Use Wood Ash”

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What I Wish I Knew Before Butchering Pigs

Warning: I’m trying to keep this blog as accurate to our lives as possible. That means posting sad things and mistakes we make. This is not a pigs going easily to the farm in the sky post. This is a hard lesson learned butchering pigs for the first time post. Continue reading “What I Wish I Knew Before Butchering Pigs”

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Homestead Goals For 2018

Wow, rereading our goals for this year sooooo much has changed in what we wanted to do for 2017, vs our goals for 2018. We accomplished a few of our goals, but have also figured out a few that don’t actually work for us. The longer we spend living this way the more we learn. Need vs want, idealism vs reality. Living this far out is not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure. Continue reading “Homestead Goals For 2018”

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