Building On A Budget – The Alaskan Way

As anyone who has read my previous post about our finances knows, we are on a serious budget out here. But just because we don’t have money doesn’t mean work on the homestead stops! With winter fast approaching, we knew we couldn’t let our water reservoir freeze. Last year we hauled all our water in 5 gallon buckets from a nearby creek, but this year we have running water in the cabin and we pulled from our reservoir for that. So how to keep it from freezing? We thought about burying it, but it’d need to be 8 feet down and that is a lot of digging by hand. Continue reading “Building On A Budget – The Alaskan Way”

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Winter Prep On An Alaskan Homestead

Winter is nearly here in our little slice of Alaska. Trees are barren and we’ve already had our first frost. Seeing as winter is our longest and harshest season, we use the rest of the year to prepare for it. So what does preparing for winter on an Alaskan homestead entail? Continue reading “Winter Prep On An Alaskan Homestead”

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25 Reasons Why Living In The Alaskan Bush Is Awesome (And 5 Reasons Why It’s Not)

The Alaskan bush is unlike anywhere else on earth, and it is an amazing place to live. Life out here is no walk in the park, but there are plenty of reasons why I never want to leave!

25 Reasons Why Living In The Alaskan Bush Is Awesome (And 5 Reasons Why Its Not) Continue reading “25 Reasons Why Living In The Alaskan Bush Is Awesome (And 5 Reasons Why It’s Not)”

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Why A Homestead Often Looks Like A Junkyard

What do you see when you look at pictures of homesteads online? Perfect fences, flowering garden beds, clean coops. Well, let me tell you, I can guarantee they don’t look like that all the time! In fact, homesteads often take on a junkyard vibe. When Kyle and I first moved out here and looked around our piece of raw land, he explicitly stated he did not want our place to look like that. Now we’re over a year into our journey and guess what? We are definitely taking on that look! Continue reading “Why A Homestead Often Looks Like A Junkyard”

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How We Have Running Water Off Grid

Do we live off grid? Yup. Do we have clean, drinkable, running water off grid, and on tap? Yup, got that too! I thought today I’d talk about how we cobbled together our water system to create clean tap water off grid.

Check out this video detailing our system!

Continue reading “How We Have Running Water Off Grid”

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