The Meaning Of Off Grid Living

Depending on who you ask, off grid means different things to different people.

To Kyle and I, it’s living remotely, unconnected to local power grids, and someday being self sufficient. To someone else, we might be considered “on grid” because we have cell service and internet. Even if I just went to town to maintain this blog that might constitute being on the grid to some! Continue reading “The Meaning Of Off Grid Living”

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Cast Iron – Rusted To Reseasoned

Cast-iron pans can be a beautiful addition to any kitchen, but they can also a little intimidating. At least they have been to me!

My pans always seemed to rust, and they did not seem “happy” or clean. It just seemed easier to use Teflon non stick pans, which can make you sick if over heated (known as Teflon flu). Since I knew I’d be cooking on a wood stove with no guarantee of temperature control, I decided I’d give cast iron a real go out here. Cast iron cookware (Amazon) is known for distributing heat evenly, which is great for cooking over an open flame or on a wood stove. It’s also supposed to be naturally non stick when treated right. It just takes a little time to season.

Continue reading “Cast Iron – Rusted To Reseasoned”

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A Kick In The Teeth

Sometimes life kicks you in the teeth. Or Alaska kicks you. Or a 4 wheeler.

Yup. Definitely a 4 wheeler.

After talking about being safe on the homestead, I gained my first serious injury on the beach. Turns out speed + wearing two pairs of gloves (Amazon) because *brrrrrr* + giant flat rock = holy mother-of-pearl that hurts. Continue reading “A Kick In The Teeth”

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