9 Rules For Prioritizing On The Homestead

Let me tell you, when it comes to creating a daily To-Do list on the homestead, well…. Don’t.

Personally, I’m a list maker. I make them for everything. Chores, books to read, groceries, ideas for blog posts. Even on down to things that made me happy that day. But when it comes to prioritizing on a homestead, keeping to a list is like trying to get ice water in Hell.

A working homestead is like a living, breathing entity. Weekly goals change daily, and daily goals change by the minute. I might get up in the morning thinking I’ll spend sometime chopping wood, only to find that the rabbits poo needs scooped, and the compost needs turned and the chickens need watered and a water run needs made and… To survive on a homestead requires a lot of flexibility in the day to day. Because of this, prioritizing tasks means a lot of shuffling things around as the day goes on! Continue reading “9 Rules For Prioritizing On The Homestead”

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An Off Grid Thinking List

I assume some of you following this blog found us because you’d like to go off grid some day too. So I thought I’d put together a list of things we use all the time out here, as well as things to think about before jumping in to the off grid life. I know Kyle and I wrote a dozen lists before moving out here and we still missed things!

Continue reading “An Off Grid Thinking List”

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