Homestead Goals For 2017

Kyle and I have done a lot of work on our property since we came out here in June 2016.

Taking raw land, clearing some of it, by hand no less, and building a cabin. We also got chickens (and lost chickens), built water filters, preserved wild foods, and learned how to can salmon. We recently spent some time deciding what our goals for 2017 would be and came up with the following list: Continue reading “Homestead Goals For 2017”

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Fire Science

Today is the perfect day for this post, seeing as we hit -20 out here! Kyle was up stoking the fire several times during the night due to the cold and our undersized wood stove (we have this one). It keeps our place heated, but it’s small enough that fires don’t last overnight in it.

We are able to maintain a nice 70-80° inside as long as we watch the fire, even as cold as it is, so that’s been awesome!

Our #tinywoodstove is easily keeping up with the cold!

A photo posted by Katie Sarvela (@sleddogslow) on

Continue reading “Fire Science”

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Maintenance Matters

When you live off grid, and off-road, maintenance matters!

There is no way to quickly take something to the shop if it goes out, so keeping equipment in prime working condition is a must. Kyle and I realized how much it sucks to lose things we use often when our generator went kaput last week. We went without it for a bit while having it serviced. It wasn’t too bad, but the generator runs our cell phone booster so we can call out in an emergency. Not to mention I need the generator on if I want to Youtube how to fix it! Continue reading “Maintenance Matters”

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The Meaning Of Off Grid Living

Depending on who you ask, off grid means different things to different people.

To Kyle and I, it’s living remotely, unconnected to local power grids, and someday being self sufficient. To someone else, we might be considered “on grid” because we have cell service and internet. Even if I just went to town to maintain this blog that might constitute being on the grid to some! Continue reading “The Meaning Of Off Grid Living”

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