How To Have A Great Marriage Living In A Tiny Home

I think my husband and I have a pretty great marriage. Sure, we disagree at times, like everyone does. But we never spend days angry at each other. A lot of this is applicable to any relationship, no matter where you live. But living in a tiny home (Tiny House Design Book, Amazon link) will put an extra strain on anyone living there. We have two adults and a toddler living in 250 sq ft, so trust me, I know! We were even interviewed for Tiny Home Magazines Winter 2020 edition!

I have yet to see the way space constraints can affect a marriage talked about. So I thought I’d put this out there for anyone who wants to take up this kind of life. Living in a tiny home can be hard on you and your partner, and it takes some getting used to! Luckily I’ve done 2 solid years of research on this living out here with my husband, and I’m happy to share what I know 🙂

So what tips can I share for having a great marriage in a tiny home?

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Tips For Living Small

Kyle and I currently live in roughly 96 sq feet of space, so we know a thing or two about living small. I thought I’d write out some of the things that we’ve learned that have made living in such tight quarters easier for us. We were even interviewed for Tiny Home Magazines Winter 2020 edition! Continue reading “Tips For Living Small”

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