This Is Not Smooth Sailing!

this is not smooth sailing! -

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Yesterday was an awesome day.

We made it to the trail head about 15 miles from our property so we could do some exploring of the area. We went on a hike and ran the dogs around and saw an absolutely gorgeous sunset at 10 pm! It was definitely one of our best days in Alaska so far. We spent the night in the truck at the beach. It might have been cold (especially without a heater like this, Amazon link) but car camping was free!


And then…. We came to town this morning to look for a 4 wheeler and almost lost a tire!  Luckily we had heard some odd noises and pulled over to check. The vehicle behind us pulled over as well and the driver mentioned the tire was wobbling. Turns out one of the lug nuts holding our rear passenger tire on sheared off and worked everything else loose. Fortunately AAA was able to send a tow truck quickly and an awesome mechanic in Kenai was able to squeeze us in. He also spent some time talking with us about where to go to find the 4 wheeler we’ll need, as well as pointing us to a junk yard for new rim (where we found tailgate for the truck instead). We then notified the dealership we purchased the truck from since they had done a safety inspection. They asked us to bring the bill so they could pay for it. All in all not an easy day and it totally took us off track (literally) but it could have been way worse!

nearly lost a tire

(Click here for more about our adventures in this truck.)

Now we are back on the search for an 4 wheeler so we can (finally) make the trip all the way out to our place!

High Tide Homestead participates in affiliate programs and may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on this post. See our Disclosure page for more information. 

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