Up, Up, Down, Up

Up, Up, Down, Up - hightidehomestead.com

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Seems like life out here is just a roller coaster of ups and downs each day.

Ronan got into the porcupine for the third time, so after the dogs treed it we shot it with our .22 and I butchered and cooked it for the dogs (porcupines have no season and no bag limit here). Ronan and Link were very happy to have it for dinner.



We’ve also been slowly working on our studio. We have one wall up and another nearly complete.


We met more cabin owners over the weekend and they helped us get a lot of our stuff up the bluff in their awesome 6 wheeler, which was way easier than our carry/trailer/4 wheeler plan. They also invited us to a beach barbecue, and out to see their cabin to get some ideas. It has been nice to meet some of the people who own cabins back in that area and pick their brains about cabin plans and living up there full time. So far, we’ve gotten every reaction to our plan from “that’s awesome” to “you guys are crazy”.

And for the down….

A bear tore up our camp!

We think he went after the tent (Amazon) first and tore it all up, then went after the rest of our gear. He didn’t actually get to much food other than an entire giant unopened bag of skittles (Amazon). We must have scared him off coming into camp because there wasn’t to much damage. We are really good about burning garbage, washing dishes and keeping our food put up but we must have missed something this time around. Either that or the bear was curious after it came down to the lake for a drink!

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Gotta love the claw marks in our tent screens.

We went through and duct-taped all the holes to try and keep the mosquitoes out, then threw a tarp over the whole thing to keep out the rain. The bear did miss the air mattress though, so we didn’t have to sleep on the ground! He also chewed on but didn’t puncture our bear spray (we carry this spray).

We should be able to finish the studio in the next few days, and we’ll be getting our last load of stuff for awhile from town today! Hopefully the bear stays away from our place as long as we are around with the dogs working on stuff. We left the dogs tied up (Amazon) while we went to town today instead of taking them with us like we normally do.

Lots of ups and one very interesting down lately, but we are enjoying all of the challenges that Alaska brings!

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