We’re Still Here! (And Sorry For Disappearing!)

We're still here! And sorry for disappearing! - hightidehomestead.com

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I feel like I need to start this post of with an apology for not writing in so long, but holy cow our lives have kind of snowballed a bit, and the blog has been on the back burner. I do miss writing, and I fully intend on updating things as soon as we are back in Alaska. Still, sorry for not updating sooner!

As for the giant circus that has been our lives…

We are currently in the lower 48 and have been since I last posted in March. What was supposed to be a 3 week visit to family in Texas, turned into a 6 week visit while we tried to figure out what to do about some bad tenants and the horrible mess they left our house in.

Kyle ended up shutting things down in AK and driving the ALCAN. I left TX and we met in WA to deal with fixing the house and putting it on the market. This meant regular city jobs and a lot of hours of housework. With the house fixed up and on the market, we just kind of settled in to wait. Then we ended up suddenly moving again to help out at my family’s 100+ acre orchard. Picking cherries is hard work!

So mostly we’ve spent this year moving every few months and missing Alaska. Our whole plan for 2018 has gone poof right before our eyes. Such is life I guess.

So, don’t give up on us yet! We’re doing everything in our power to get back home and continue our off grid, off-road adventures!

P.S. As part of my apology, please accept these pictures of our recent wanderings!

Animal photo’s from Kyle’s drive on the ALCAN:

I went to 3 concerts in TX, the Gin Blossoms, Keith Urban and Tracy Byrd (this is Keith Urban):

Bellamy petting Grandma’s bunnies:

Hiking in Eastern WA:

Riding the 4 wheeler around the orchard:

Loving on horses!

Cherries, cherries and more cherries:

Robins nest (these guys hatched just a few days later!):

A giant cricket I found:

And last but not least, a small amount of the demoing we had to do to fix our house (I’m still ticked about this):



High Tide Homestead participates in affiliate programs and may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on this post. See our Disclosure page for more information. 

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